On 16 October, British Lt. Col. Robert Abercrombie led a 350-man sortie in the second Allied siege line to seize the guns in the center and render them unusable by driving metal spikes into their touchholes—spiking them, as it was called. The British hoped this would disrupt the Allied siege efforts.
The British attack took the French and Americans by surprise and the British Regulars easily seized the guns from the artillerymen and engineers. However, the Allies counterattacked and there was a brief hand-to-hand melee around the guns. The British spiked six guns and withdrew before the Allies could mass more troops and surround them. The Allies managed to get the guns back in action within the hour. General Charles, Lord Cornwallis wrote that “This action, though extremely honorable to the officers and soldiers who executed it, proved of little public advantage.” Cornwallis now realized that he did not have the strength to break the Allied siege.
National Museum of American History